Driver License RestorationDriver License Restoration

The ability to drive is more than a convenience in modern society; it is an absolute necessity. If you lose your license, you lose countless opportunities and thousands of dollars.

Employers expect—and many require—that you have a license to drive a car. And unless you are fortunate enough to live within walking distance of public transportation, it can be virtually impossible to attend school, go to medical appointments, or do any of the other regular day-to-day activities that require you to leave you home. When you lose your license, you lose your ability to do all of these things.

There is an important difference between a license that is “suspended” and a license that has been “revoked”. When your license is suspended, the suspension is for a specific length of time and is usually reinstated automatically. When your license is “revoked”, things get more serious. Your license is permanently taken away. The only way to legally drive again is to have the license restored. The most common reason for a revocation is multiple convictions for drunk driving, but other crimes can also result in the suspension or revocation of your license.

There is a process for restoring your license if it has been revoked, but it is not easy and most people who attempt it without an attorney do not succeed. This is especially true in cases where your license has been taken away because of multiple convictions for drunk driving; hearing officers do not want people who they consider “chronic drunks” on the road, and convincing them that you are not a “chronic drunk” is frequently difficult. Even with an attorney, hearing officers are frequently reluctant to restore a license on the first attempt.

You should not attempt to fight these kinds of uphill battles on your own. If your license has been revoked and the time has come to get it back, contact us. We’ve been successful in helping clients get back their licenses and their lives. We can’t promise that it will be easy, but we can promise that you won’t make the journey alone. We’ll be glad to make sure that there’s someone on your side.



Shelton Legal Services, PLLC

110 Trealout Drive, Suite 201 • Fenton, MI 48430810-750-1420 / 810-326-0893 (St. Clair Office)

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